Baby elephant playing with water coloring page

Baby elephant playing with water


Explore Baby elephant coloring page best quality picture to print or download. If your kid loves elephant playing with water, this coloring book is for you! The elephant, which matures at the age of 13, gives birth to 20 times in its life, once every 3 years.

Baby elephant

It usually gives birth to 1 pup weighing 90-100 kg per birth. At birth, the entire elephant community shows affection to the mother and calf for days. She nurses the baby for 6 months. The gestation period is 19-21 months in the Indian elephant and 22 months in the African elephant. Spouses mate in secluded places. Because of these characteristics, captive elephants normally breed in environments that can hide themselves, while those in cages do not breed easily because they cannot hide themselves from foreign eyes. They love each other and their offspring with their trunks.

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